Sketch by Anupriya Yoga Sketch by Anupriya Yoga To the Murdered Children jb casino We want them with us all those children whose parts we are collecting now. A communique from the Rajya Sabha Secretariat was issued to announce the committees. The decision, he had said, was inspired by a similar directive announced by the Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government. We won't reprimand them for a mistake in dictation We will buy them many pencils, notebooks, colored button-shirts and dresses spinning during the school celebrations. They have papers in class waiting for the first letter of their first line They have seats in the schools They have their turn in the line for the supermarket They have candies on the shelf of the grocery store And new clothes in the feast market We want their fuss in the house yard We won’t reprimand them for breaking a plate in the house saloon We won’t yell at them for being careless And for losing their ball And for the theft of their slippers from the mosque’s door
We want them among us to play with the grandmothers’ houses To ruin her furniture and break her teacup We want them to cuddle in the aunts’ laps And join the aunts in the wedding court To dance To make a dabka To scream in the neighbourhood street Let their screams break the trees’ branches We want them among us Death doesn’t take them We want them in the house In the street In the market In the library In the park And on the feast swings. And in every corner of the country.
Don’t take them to death We want them all All as one body playing in the city! (October / 2023) 'The Men' And Other Wartime PoemsMy martyred friends My martyred friends My martyred brothers My martyred children doubleu casinoMy martyred beautiful girlfriends My martyred nice neighbors They are circulating your names Writing it in front of me Placing it on my eyes Feeding it to my mouth Hitting my chest with it And placing it in my hand I know you I know you They think I don’t know you because I’m not crying for you But I carry you with me, martyr after martyr in my bags And when we are rescued, if rescued, You will wake up And I will blow the bomb dust from your hair And will march in your funeral And will cry for you every time the raindrops And every time the sea pulls over its hand And every time the cities fall asleep And every time the mothers scream for their children lost in the crowd. Grief for you will stretch over all tables And in all the school classes And in the feast markets And in all the rescue prayers And in every lock of hair And in all the skin pores. Sleep now for us Our excuse is your current absence So excuse our swift mourning for you And when it is over, you will wake up to witness our extensive grief, my dear martyred loved ones. (October/2023) Click here to find Outlook's 11 January 2025 issue 'War and Peace.'jb casino |